Scientific research has proven that achieving a proper implant surface is the key to reaching optimal osseointegration. It has been well documented that surface characteristics of implanted materials highly influence the healing and growth of tissues adjacent to the implant surface.
CALLUS® implants are made of Titanium grade 4*, a strong, durable and highly biocompatible material.
Callus® implant surface is of a hybrid type and is achived through a complex process with particles sandblasting and thermal etching SBTE Active (*SLA™) for the creation of micropores (sized 2-7 microns). This unique process creates a high surface area differentiation, increases the three-dimensional (3D) surface area and thus, enables a more intense absorption of blood and plasma directly into the implants micropores immediately after the implant is placed. The microstructure and roughness properties of the implant surface created by the sandblasting and double acid etching process is biocompatible and osseoconductive with immense influence on the initial contact with the host bone.
State-of-the-art surface treatment ensures best possible results. CALLUS® surface advantages:
*Grade 4 Titanium: T60 commercial pure – Grade 4 T60 commercially pure titanium meets the requirements of ISO 5832-2 and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM F67 3.7065)
*SLA™ (Institue Straumann AG`s trademark)
DenTi System Kft.
1112 Budapest Tippan u. 2. A lépcsőház 8.