The XV. The Dental Symposium and Meeting of Friends, as well as the 1st Callus Scientific Conference, celebrated two outstanding events in the field of Hungarian dental implantology. One was the 40th anniversary of Denti System Ltd., a milestone in the history of Hungarian dental implantation. This significant anniversary was made memorable by the implantation of the first Denti Diakor implant performed by Prof. Dr. István Vajdovich in 1983. Another important topic was the presentation of the Callus implantation system developed in the framework of German-Hungarian cooperation to the scientific community, which is important not only for the Hungarian but also for the international scientific community, as this is the first time that the system has been presented at an international conference.
This double focus – the celebration of the traditions of Denti System Kft and the innovative presentation of the Callus system – ensured that the conference serves both historical memory and new scientific development.
During the two days of the Conference, numerous workshops and scientific presentations took place, which provided the participants with the opportunity to learn new techniques and learn about fresh perspectives of dental implantology.
The Friday hands-on courses, such as the presentation of Dr. Ferenc Oberna’s surgical suturing techniques, Dr. Gábor Zöld’s and Dr. Attila Mühl’s resective-based rehabilitation course, and Prof. Dr. Ates Parlar’s workshop highlighting strategies for the treatment of peri-implantitis deserve special attention. These courses exposed the latest techniques and treatment strategies of dental implantology to the participants, helping to deepen their professional knowledge.
On Saturday, the scientific presentations came to the fore, which included topics such as sinus lifting, surface chemical properties of implants, optimization of soft tissue closure using digital technologies, or dynamic navigation.
Another significant element of the event was the launch of the first e-poster section, which was organized with the intention of creating a tradition. This session was an innovative step that provided participants with an opportunity to present their research and results in a digital format. The received posters represented an extremely high standard, which indicates the commitment and expertise of the participants.
In the section, an outstanding poster won the first place, whose creators. Dr. Nóra Miseta, Dr. Bálint Németh and Dr. Iván Mandel: “PRESERVATION OF GINGIVAL ARCHITECTURE WITH A UNIQUELY DESIGNED AND 3D PRINTED IMMEDIATE TEMPORARY DENTURE” received a HUF 250,000 grand prize. This award is not only financial recognition, but also recognition of the professional community for excellent scientific work. The success of the e-poster session shows that digital technology is playing an increasingly important role in scientific communication and gives participants the opportunity to share their research in new and innovative ways.
The impressive environment of the Törley Winery provided the perfect background for scientific exchanges as well as friendly meetings, contributing to the success of the event. In addition to the lectures and workshops, the event was also an excellent opportunity to nurture professional relationships and create new ones. Overall, the event drew attention not only to the scientific progress achieved in the field of dental implantology, but also to the cohesive strength of the profession’s community.
DenTi System Kft.
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